The Power of a Name
It’s interesting to reflect on the sort of things we have names for these days. There was a time when everything was black and white; but these days we have a wide range of shades in between. For example, there was a time when a kiss was a kiss. Now we have pecking, necking, single lip kiss, earlobe kiss, and many others that have fought for independence from the simple term ‘kiss’. I recall a girl in my teens who thought she was just being curious with her little sibling. Her mother was passing by during this curious encounter and the name ‘Child Abuser’ was uttered. She told me that the phrase haunted her for years. She just couldn’t believe that such a term could EVER be associated with her. I think I had the same feeling when I heard the term ‘ Emotional Abandonment’ . What! You mean this is actually a thing , and like, people have carried out studies and stuff on what I am feeling in my head? Does this mean I need to see somebody, like go ...