The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
Classifying things into groups is a well known method for enhancing memorization and this can be extended to people including our in-laws. The word “in-law” can instantly produce many memories depending on the various types. While I would not say that we are to be held responsible for their actions, some of their behavior to us are actually reactions to our words and actions. Using the title above, the “good” in-laws as those who have thankfully accepted you as family with no obvious separation between you and the other family members. What is good for the goose is good for the gander and as such ,you are not treated with segregationist preference. Laughing at their jokes is as natural as breathing air, you can be yourself. For the bad, you are always reminded that you are not one of them. This may be done subtly or out rightly depending on their barometer of nastiness. Almost everything you do is not good enough, from academic to cooking skills a...