The things I never told my Mother
Growing up
for me was blissful. I had a father who would listen, empower and
reinforce to me the fact that God fearfully and wonderfully created me. Daddy
told me daily how I could be anything I wanted to be.
You see,
my daddy was 30 years older than my mother. He was better educated in “terms of
certificates” than her and he was a greatly travelled gentleman. My mother on the
flip side, was only a standard six certificate holder, from a more humble background but “a
very intelligent woman” without the glory of “many paper certificates”.
mummy ",I said. "
I put some salt. But it will not be too salty as I tasted it and it was okay.”At this point, my mother had started shouting and calling on over 10 generations of her ancestors to come and save her from me!
I put some salt. But it will not be too salty as I tasted it and it was okay.”At this point, my mother had started shouting and calling on over 10 generations of her ancestors to come and save her from me!
puts salt in the yam being boiled to make pounded yam?”
you know I am doing a good job oo! A great task of ensuring this girl can cook
so that she will find a good man that will marry her. Yet, just to boil yam to
pound yam, she is adding salt. This pounded yam will turn out very bad. It
will be like mashed potato without any stickiness” I ran away
knowing that this time, not only my ears were in trouble…
· My daddy who had been engrossed in what ever it was he was
reading, heard my mother’s screams! I am sure, that even the four corners of
the earth must have heard her. My dad came to us and said in his calm but firm
voice “Please
let my daughter be. I am not raising her to be a slave and cook to any man. Any
man who wishes to eat pounded yam should please pound it himself and not think
my daughter is a pounding machine. As for my meal today, I will have no pounded
yam. I will just eat my boiled yam like that.”
My mother
retorted with a shrill scream “If I do
not train her well, they will laugh at me that I have failed. The enemies will
laugh at me. God knows I have tried! Instead of the enemies to laugh at me, I
will make sure I beat how to cook into this your big head!”
“I do
not know daddy. I do not know. Mummy never told me. She only just started
shouting and calling on her ancestors to help!” I giggled.
My father could not help laughing as he proceeded to explain to me, why I
should never again put salt in yam meant for pounding.
see, my daughter, your cooking salt, is sodium chloride, isn’t it? It
is made up of ionic molecules that will break up the carbohydrate bonds in
yam, thereby reducing the viscosity or binding force when you start to pound.
The end result is that the pounded yam will not have the nice adhesive texture
which makes our meal stand out but rather, will be fluffy and may not even mix
uniformly. You spend more energy pounding that kind of yam and despite that,
the end product is less than satisfactory to the taste buds.”
“You are
welcome my daughter. The other thing I want you to understand is that even
though you learn how to cook, you are not perfecting that skill because a man
somewhere wants to eat. You are not perfecting that skill because it is your
task to please one man. You will perfect your cooking skills because you need
to make good healthy meals for your own self. If a man respects and
pleases you in future, and you wish to express your acceptance of his good
attitude by doing him the privilege of cooking him great meals, I have nothing
against that. However, what I never want you to do, is to think that your life
revolves around getting married to a man. You are first and foremost, a human
being with pedigree unparalleled. Remember whose daughter you are. Any man,
worth his salt, will treasure and value you and that my daughter, will bring
out the very loyal and loving best in you”.
I looked at my daddy as he spoke. I was grateful then that he rescued me from my mother and he gave me an enlightening domestic chemistry lesson. Today, I look back and I am eternally indebted to him for liberating my mind from that aspect of society that throws people into boxes led by cohorts like my mother. I am glad he unleashed my wings, so I could fly.
enemies are at work” she screamed! By the way, any thing my mother could not logically
explain was attributed to her enemies. She continued her rant about
them on the day, saying “But they
will not succeed. You see how your father has over the years brain washed your
mind.Now Richard is no more and he expects me to fix all of this? Where is my
phone, I need to
call my Pastor”
Simply Me,
LR: Loretta Reveals-Loretta is the editor in
chief of "Loretta Reveal"
Dishusbandmata……passionate about relationships
Wow,guess our mothers did it the way they knew best but thumbs up for the balancing force of your dad.
ReplyDeleteI thoroughly enjoyed reading this.
Grace to be better parents I pray
ReplyDeleteA big Amen
DeleteReally enjoyed reading this Loretta. It reminded me of my parents and how much the way one is brought up also affects the way one brings up their own children. God help us all. Thanks for another thought provoking and interesting piece.
ReplyDeleteIt is humbling to read comments like this. We thank you.
DeleteI laughed so hard but it was very nostalgic for me. This mum reminds me of mine i sometimes do same with my kids not sure its a bad wat cos i turned out right but there is a better way... thanks again for this wonderful piece..
ReplyDeleteYou sure turned out right! No manual on the parenting job! We keep up as work in progress. Glad you liked this.
DeleteI think your dad was phenomenal. As for the ancestors, well....I think they also appreciate a good joke and a good hair twister!
ReplyDeleteYou sure are right lady!
DeleteYour narration had me giggling, albeit in my head. Ironically we are still in many ways, the products of that sort of thinking. Many unconscious beliefs and fears still trap the best educated (sic) of us. This is a reminder to speak more with my kids around 'why'". Thanks for sharing
ReplyDeleteYes reminder to speak with our children always
DeleteThat was a beautiful moving piece as well as thought provoking. GOD bless your dad and the legacy he left and your mum in her infinite wisdom. Our generation has the choice now to decide the parenting models we would like to adapt for our children. Thank you once again for that piece. The message is definitely worth sharing.
ReplyDeleteWe thank you for your great comments
DeleteNice piece. You make reading a piece of cake
ReplyDeleteWow nice piece good job my dear friend.most mothers are shouters and fathers quiet but the real disciplinarian. Wish we all know these and practice what's best for the computer generation kids. Thanks lorrie.. kudos!