For the sake of "The Journey"

Dear Wonderful Readers,

I really do apologize  that we were unable to publish last week. We have been facing technology challenges but would be back on track. One of our writers went on a journey in this search for the "right one".

We would be sharing this but to keep the identity of the others involved, we would be using anonymous names.

Wondering what it was?It is something we all do, we use it everytime these days and most of all we do have gone digital .We buy online,eat online ,make friends online and when it comes to dating online,don't even go there!People are sceptical and if you want to see some reaction, try asking it in the next Question& Answer Session in your Church.It sets a fireball but hopefully here as you continue to read "The Journey",you will be entertained, inspired and informed.Watch this space for "The Journey".



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