What to say…..
There are a lot of things that God has given us the ability to plan and carry out ourselves, but there are some things that God has left to His Sovereignty. While we are aware that there are times and season for certain things to take place, the exact timing of most events in our lives is something only the Father knows. I had a plan. I knew when I wanted to get married and when I wanted to have children, taking into account my age and physical fitness. I got married 4 years after my personal schedule, but I still wanted to wait a few months before starting the process of bringing another human being into the world. My husband and I disagreed on birth control methods, and well-meaning advice from certain people did not help us at all! People s aid ‘Don’t do family planning! What if you can’t have children afterwards?’ That may apply in some cases – I really don’t know; but that was not the promise I believed God had given me. So, we took out a few...