The "Married" other woman!
“He is having an affair” the still small voice
whispered in my heart and I stopped in my tracks. Took a good look at my
husband and said to myself , no,he won’t do such but there was no mistaking
the voice, it was a voice I recognized even in raging moments. He was seated
across me in the living room oblivious to the battle going on inside of me. He
was chatting with “the other woman”. I knew he was always typing on the phone
but I was often on the phone chatting up a storm with friends too. The next question
I asked, Lord who is she? I got an immediate answer of who it was.
I panicked, should I ask him
immediately, of course he will tell me I was crazy it sounded crazy even to me.
The other woman is a friend, a church member and VERY MARRIED. I took a deep
breath because I was almost hyperventilating. I went into the room to ask God
what to do. The Silence was deafening because my mind was on track I was trying very
hard to hear what God has to say but was not hearing anything. I decided not to
be rash but take out a week to watch him closely to see if it was the devil who
whispered into my ears to cause commotion in my home.
It was the longest week of my life,
things that he did that I never took notice of or that I just waved away began
to take a deeper meaning. Things like the first thing he does when he wakes up
even before talking to his maker was to check his phone for her messages, when
he was home he went into the toilet with his phone every hour (no exaggeration)
I began to try to peep when he was in the toilet and discovered the only reason
he went in was to chat with her, he checked his phone every five minutes (also
no exaggeration!) for her messages, he never left home for work until a call or
message comes in: there was this particular day he went strolling around the
neighborhood twice, the second time I asked why are you going and coming, he
told him he was waiting for someone. I started to remember some other things he
did in the past, all began to fall in place.
I knew I had to get into his phone so I
waited until he started snoring the fourth night and the evidence lay open
before me, they were actually having an affair. I was shocked and it became a
ritual every night for about four nights, I took his phone and read more. I
cried and cried and confided in a friend who advised I should copy the messages
before confronting him if not he will deny it. I was glad I took that advice
because he actually called me “mad” to have thought about such a thing. He denied
it out rightly, started ridiculing me
that I was insecure because am a stay home mom and the lady has got her own
business and his office was close by hers.
From the chat I discovered he spent a
lot of time with her in her place of business, they actually left the area
together most evenings since her husband worked late they went to another
office to hang out together before she went home.
By this time I wasn’t ready to listen to
the Holy Spirit anymore because I said I might not like the way He will want to
deal with this issue, I must deal with it myself so my husband will know am no
fool. He had me fooled a long time.
They both talked about me all the time.
They agreed that I was eating into their time together and then decided not to
talk about me anymore, every night she asked if I cooked for him, what I
cooked, he complained about me while I was seated right there with him, he told
her once they were more than friends but less than a
couple. He asked her once if the pregnancy was his (she had
thought she was pregnant), he told her he regrets letting her go, he told her
If what they shared came into the light, there will be reactions.Of course stolen waters are sweet, so they both felt that would never happen.
Painfully she also had
backings from his sisters as she sometimes footed their phone bill, apparently
this lady and my husband dated in the past and as such she was well known to his family.The most painful part was the way she invaded my life: kitchen, bedroom,
everything about me even talked about one of my sisters once. I vowed she was going to pay
for this betrayal with her marriage. She even chatted with my husband while on the bed with her husband. There was
once my husband asked her ; “where is your
husband?” and she replied “sleepinggggggggg”.
I knew I had to confront her, I had the
upper hand here, I had enough evidence to ruin her home and I intended to cause
her 10 times more the pain I felt in my heart. I couldn’t concentrate on
anything, I cried each time I read the chat between them. I cried when he left
for work knowing he is going to her, cried when I called him and he snapped at
me in her presence. I must destroy her home I vowed.
Truly truly,
Ps; the story continues, watch
this space
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