The "Married "other woman! 2

 This writer has not written to entertain us but it is her sincere prayer that by your reading this. Your marriage or someone of someone you know will become better The story continues

….I thought of different ways I was going to go about it, I could only tell one friend who also happens to be a pastor, she counselled me to be patient.

First I wrote him an anonymous mail pretending I was a pastor in the same office complex as the other  woman, let’s call her ‘Cruella”, I told him he should go back to his wife and stop committing adultery, told him I saw them everyday together and God had ministered to me to call him to order and  to stop breaking the edge.It was a well thought out mail, when he got home that day he was very somber and attentive, I told him I took some money from his pocket to get some things and he said it is not his money but our money, this was something he had never said to me so I thought the mail must have really hit him because he stopped all the chatting and kept away from her for 2 days and then I decided to send Cruella a mail 2 days later– mistake,

I didn’t think the mail through and I used some phrases that I used at home a lot. When he got home that day he wasn’t somber but mad and told me to tell the agent that was spying on him he/she had got nothing on him, I pretended I didn’t understand what he was saying and he got confused because he thought there was no way under heaven I would have found out about them so he thought someone saw him with her and came to tell me so he was saying things like “you better not go and fool yourself because she has a beautiful marriage, don’t go and embarrass yourself before her husband and accuse a married woman falsely because of what someone told you.” I still pretended I was clueless, at a point he was confused but those phrases proved I knew something about the anonymous mail. I kept telling him to tell me the content of the said mail so I can decipher the parable he was speaking but he kept insisting I should ask my agent to tell me.

He went back to spending time chatting on Whatapp and Viber. After about one week, one particular night he was at it again saying stuffs, something in me snapped, I couldn’t pretend anymore I and I  said to him” really let see how her so called beautiful marriage will stand when he husband finds out she is cheating on him”, he started laughing at me saying I must be mad to think he slept with her- a married woman.  I told him I had my evidence to prove my point. He just ignored me and went to sleep he thought I was bluffing and all I had was hearsay.

It was such a painful night,here was I unable to sleep while the accused was snoring. I just picked his phone and called  this other married woman,Cruella. This was past 11pm at night and she answered like she was expecting the call and I told her you are dead meat as early as 5am tomorrow morning am coming to your house to tell you husband what you have been up to. By this time tomorrow you will be a single mum and she was like what are you talking about? I told her, you will know tomorrow.

 Two minutes later my sister inlaw called and said ‘I just had a bad dream about you in fact I have been having  the same dream severally blab la bla” I was so enraged that I started telling her everything and she was like, “no, Cruella can never do such a thing I know her well she is a respectable woman and I then replied her saying ,” really oh if she is respectable why will my husband ask if the baby she is carrying is his? Why would they go to work together, spend the day together and return together? Why would she send a message every morning and night to him?  I reaffirmed my stance by letting her know about  all the evidence I had gathered and she said she was going to have a serious talk with both of them and tell Cruella to stay on her lane and also will tell her to call me and beg me.

The following morning Cruella called me and started swearing by God’s name she never slept with my husband and I told her,you guys were already on the path to consummate the emotional affair. when my husband asked you if you were carrying his child if you had no intention of sleeping with him you would have given him a stern warning not to joke in such ungodly manner. I also reminded her how they were chatting and she said it was raining  and he should go in and have sex with me, that sex is usually great when it rains and he said he will like both of them to first practice it because she was only theorizing it. I asked her what my husband meant when he said they were less than a couple but more than friends? I told her ,am sure your husband will agree with him that consummating the affair was a matter of time. I asked her what her business was in asking my husband what I cooked in my home everyday.

 She was shocked to her marrows to think what she thought  was for his eyes only was not totally secret I told her I  had it copied in all my phones, she started pleading that It was because he told her we were having issues and she was only trying to advise him and he ended coming over to her place everyday because his office is close by.She admitted that  they got close but no sex happened and she had no intention of sleeping with him. She started praying God will keep my home blab la.

Her saving grace was that  my sister in law had called very early that morning to tell me not to go to her home because she was going to sort things out. I was really mad because my hands were kind of tied now.I had another woman begging me and although she had done wrong, was there going to be any good in telling her husband and causing trouble in her home also ? I decided I was going to take it out on my husband.

He still called my bluff that how can I accuse him of having an affair when he had not slept with her and  that there is nothing like emotional affair,  He added insult to injury by saying I was only  showing my insecurity. I got really mad and  allowed my tongue to go loose.I am not proud of all I said but gave him the insult of his life.

After that episode, he  put a password on his phone so I couldn’t  access  it any further. His sister kept calling me every day reiterating that tCruella and my husband  were not having an affair- in all their illiterates minds sex = affair. No sex no affairs so I was like making a mountain out of a molehill. When my husband saw his sister was now involved and because I respect her he thought the worst was over.

When I realized he was still visiting her and I told myself I will throw caution to the wind and go and tell her husband and still crash her marriage. So I decided I was going to go to her office and embarrass her but it wasn’t in me to create a scene no matter what. I was tormented with what to do then one day I called her and gave her some friendly advice, I told her I have nothing to lose but she was going to be the loser because when I will after her I will come hard, I told her to stay away from my husband she should not be fooled by his sister or any assurance on his side that with his sister involved I cannot do anything, I sent her copies of their conversation copied on my phone, that was when she knew she was in deep shit, all along they didn’t believe I had it copied on my phone I told her I wiould send it to her group leader in church even post it on her face book page let see how she wriggle out of it. I told her that the defense of not to have slept together will not hold water when the whole world sees your secret correspondence. She made a vow asking God to witness that she will cut off every form of communication with him. I should please delete the messages from my phone.

The following day my husband came from work with tears in his voice he asked me what I told her that made her drive him away from her office like a mad dog, she didn’t  even allow him to get close. He said  he had never been embarrassed in his whole life. I just hissed.

When I saw she completely cut him off, I then started tormenting him at home oh the things I said to him. I taunted him on how he meant nothing to her, he was a fool to have put his own marriage on the line, when all he meant to her was an emotional buffer to be used when convenient and dumped at any point, I told him she only toyed with his emotions and he got carried away. I threatened him I was going to send the correspondence to leaders in the church so they will know what a hypocrite he was. I asked him what achievement he recorded in the eight months of the affair, he had absolutely nothing to show for it, his business at that was at an all-time low but he was so consumed in the affair he never did anything positive to turn it around. I asked him if she truly was a fantastic person like he always told her in their chat, how will a grown ass man with a family at home be visiting her office every day from dawn to dusk, never asking him of how he will cater for his home, whereas her own husband earns a 6 figures salary monthly.  I told him he was busy watering another man’s garden providing emotional buffer. Time and space will not permit to tell all that happened.

After two months I visited Cruella’s office, when she saw me at a distance she quickly went in the office, I got in and she offered me a seat and a drink which I took. I noticed she had lost so much weight and she was reading Battle field of the mind by Joyce Meyer and she had this big multi translation Bible on the table. She started telling me how she had driven my husband from her shop after we had that conversation, how she had been fasting day and night begging God to touch my heart so as not tell her husband. How every day is a torment to her because she asks herself is it today my world will come crashing down and after awhile she was forced to tell her husband. I asked her what she told her husband because  if she had told her husband the whole truth, she won’t still be in his house.

She answered that she only told him that because my husband’s office is close to hers and he pops in every now and then and that I  am now accusing them of being too close. How she has seen the error of her ways and began to swear that she has not set eyes on my husband since that day, she had deleted his number from her phone and he had even stopped calling when she stopped picking his calls. She didn’t even know what got over her and she got carriedaway, she admitted the closeness was ungodly. I asked her point blank if she ever think about sleeping with my husband, she couldn’t answer. I spent like 2 hours in her office I told her some home truth based on their correspondence. I showed her a list of names of her in-laws I had gotten from her husband and her Facebook page of people I will send their correspondence to if I ever smell her near my husband, She almost died when she saw the names. She begged not to do that because she had made a vow before God not to have anything to do with my husband ever again, begged me to delete them, I told her people easily forget vows so I won’t delete because that is my insurance.

My husband was still acting up still insisting they were only friends and nothing more until the day after a bitter quarrel one night, I packed my things and told him I was sick of the marriage but two things I won’t fail to do was to destroy cruella’s marriage and tell the whole church he was a fraud. By morning he had locked the door and hidden the keys. I woke him up to open the door for me to leave that was when he started pleading saying he had cut off every form of communication from her but I told him it was Cruella  who had  cut off from him. Truth be told I got the reaction I wanted ,I had no intention of leaving I was just bluffing.

Truly ,truly,


Ps:It’s been some years now, I must confess it still hurts, not with the attending bitterness, anger and all but it sure still hurts. A lot of things have improved in our marriage, God used that incidence for my good because the thought that he messed up big time turned my husband to a better man. For a long time I still taunted him when we have serious issues and I always the affair as an ace but God is helping me to not to anymore. I have forgiven but I am still  learning to forget.

Sometimes I wonder why did God tell me, did I fail the test?


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