"used to be"
Being in love is one of the greatest things that can happen to anyone and it can either bring out the best or the worst in us. Well we do not usually see the latter unless sometimes the whole love thing goes the wrong way. And there are several reasons why love could go the wrong way and all the declarations of love turn sour. Recently I was in a train and went to use the rest room and while I tried to use the flush, there was this automated voice that encouraged people not to throw things down into the closet . There was this list of several things being read until finally the voice asked that we should not flush down our ex’es sweater. For real, I had a laugh . Why would one do that ? Then I remembered something that sort of happened to some girls in my university those days when I was an undergraduate. Someone could decide to shame a fellow student by paying another person to publicly pour a bucket of excreta on the person in public. The...