Something more but worse.
Current statistics show that about 2.5% of women and 0.4%
of male have been victims of a sexual offence with about 90% of the victims
reporting that the perpetuator was known to them and these statistics vary from region to
region although it is common consensus that rape or attempted rape is largely
under reported due to several factors such as stigma, fear etc In our society today, there is the possibility that you or someone
you know probably may have had gone
through this kind of trauma, It is not
just about whether it happened or not but even just dealing with the fact that
one was about to be violated can be very traumatic and disheartening. This
statistics I believe are for both married and single women and I remember one
of the very first experiences.
It happened when I was sitting for my GCSE s and met one of
my teachers who had taught me in the extra lessons I attended years back when I
was in primary school.. You know how teachers could be a child’s hero and he
was one of such. I was happy to see him in the examination centre as he was one of the
invigilators and when he suggested we go
over to where he lived, I innocently followed. We got to the place and after
the conversation had gone on for a while, I can’t even remember but while he was
talking, he suddenly reached out his
hand and touched me on my arm, like a stroke. There was something about the touch
that made me uncomfortable and then seeing his advances were frightening ,he
asked me if anything was wrong and if I
had not been with a man before. Man ke? This sounded like what I had heard in
secondary school,(one of my classmates said her mother told her that if a man
touches you, you will get pregnant!). I replied in the negative and got up to leave as fast and far as my legs could carry me, This uncle was
definitely not an uncle at all.
Recounting to a friend, she related her own experience. She
was working for a school proprietor and somehow , the job roles extended to
doing some household chores and one day while she was making the bed of the
lady proprietor, the lady’s son came
into the room and wanted something more. She begged and begged knowing that he
could easily overpower her.He refused to listen and locked
the door .She was desperate and began to pray for wisdom. After the chap had
locked the door, he told her no one would know, she then said to him, “well you
may have locked the door and it seems no one will know but I will cooperate
with you only if you can close the eyes
of God who is looking at both of us from the ceiling” .Luckily, that struck his
conscience and he let her go free.
But not every one is as lucky as this and if you are a
lady, it is something to be aware of especially when you are single, This is
not saying the married ones are exempt as I heard recently of a man who went to
work and his neighbour raped his wife. When he was accosted, he said the devil
made him do it. How exactly did the devil make him do it is what I am yet to
figure out.
So as women, we have
to be smart.I can recount several experiences,both personal and from friends
and can tell you that we need to warn our daughters also. There are some
certain precautionary things that we should
be aware of and being naive could be too costly. Unless otherwise proven, every
male could become a potential rapist . (another friend recounted to me how her
uncle came into her room and made advances, when she expressed shock, he was
like,, ”are you not a university girl?)Sad though but it is true that even
blood relatives cannot be fully trusted. In short, most children are sexually
abused by people they know.
I will write more on some of these warning signs gathered over the years .Hopefully
this should help another sister out there and if you do have a story to contribute with some wisdom to prevent
yet another painful addition to the already staggering statistics, please feel
free to comment.
Love to write,
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