The Prep to Becoming 2
week, Keisha was talking about the path to becoming and it was quite an
insightful read. If you have not had the opportunity to do so, it may be better
to do so now before continuing with this piece
I have lived a few decades here and am yet to be able
to count on one finger individuals whom I have met who have not expressed a
desire to get married. This usually is a desire for several reasons- sometimes
companionship, status, procreation and financial reasons to mention a few . But
I have come to notice that not everyone who expresses this desire is actually bothering
with the many little opportunities that present daily to become a better
person and God willing, have a spouse. The grass of the married life usually looks
greener to the single person who might be unaware of the cost of keeping the
grass trimmed and attractive .Some people become married only to discover the
shock of the enormous responsibilities that come with becoming a home maker, having
to deal with managing time and resources
with the right allocation of funds or
even being a provider as well as the
ability to be able to communicate effectively with members of a new family .
But it is not that these responsibilities just land on
our laps magically after we say I do, on the contrary these seemingly
new duties presented themselves in chunky chewable bites along the way.Helping a friend to do practical things
in the home can teach us new skills and by visiting a married friend,one might become abreast with the nitty gritty of taking care of little children . You will be amazed how many people can plan a sleep over but do not
think ahead what will be for dinner or what will be for breakfast after the
sleep over and even when all that is done,are not concerned about tidying up.
And we can all
learn if we bother to as it will not be wisdom if the first time we are getting
to change pampers for a baby or tend to a toddler who is undergoing potty
training is when we have your own. Practice
makes perfect they say,and there are always people around who need help who will
allow us learn. I wont fail to mention that it is possible that some
interesting people can act very weird. I remember once several years ago
carrying one baby in church until the
aunty of the baby came. The way she took the baby from me that day, I was like, God thank you I am not looking for a child because if I was,
I would have most likely gone home to cry. It was like I was going to give the child leprosy but I knew that I didn’t have
leprosy so I didn’t cry .
In our single days, it is important to learn the art
of serving and we need to teach our children (both male&female) the art
of serving others. Every thing they do should not be about the money(the world
won’t end if they baby sit for free sometimes ) and they should learn how to
help around the house. It gives a sense of responsibility that makes them
become individuals others would love to have around .
What of the skills of conflict resolutions we learn
when we have friends , class mates and flat/room mates .These skills learnt
will eventually need to be transferred to the ones we love because no matter
how much we love someone, conflict is inevitable however if we do not learn how to
resolve conflicts but simply run away or put friends that we do not see eye to
eye on an issue away, then it makes us handicapped to deal with our new family members and
So all I am
simply saying today is, let us not ignore opportunities to become a better
person by thinking we are not getting any direct benefit or we are not facing the real deal. As far as
I know, the real deal is here and now and we can all work on becoming better
people on the path to becoming, not just a spouse but an improved version of
Caring at all times about ur heart,
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